TESOL Advance Certification

Monday, July 5, 2010

Tips to new teachers to maintain classroom discipline

One of the most challenging skill that a teacher must learn to teach effectively is the classroom management. This is the most difficult task for most teachers as children are highly competitive, skilled and more exposed to the world with the internet technology.

The best way to start the academic year of the school is by setting up norms with a help of a chart. Let most of the feedback and suggestions of norms be taken positively from the students themselves.

If the students are approached in the right manner, you could have one of the most effective classroom. The students are normally very cooperative and understand if we as a teacher give them our ears by being ourselves a good listener. Most children listen better if we are in a position to listen to them.

Disciplining the child most positively will not only enhance the child's self-esteem but the child also will learn to participate more in the classroom.

Here's an interesting videos which gives a clear picture how positive disciplining methodology enchances the better behaviour of the students in a classroom.

How to maintain positive discipline in classroom.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I couldn't agree more with your comment about what we need to do is listen to students as well. A lot of the time in class rooms I see teachers who expect to be respected right from the start, and who punish students in front of the whole class, setting a very negative tone for the students. Teaching in a positive way is something I focus on a lot with my work, and I'm really happy to see other people promoting it as well. Cheers!